CNC Machining Services in China

The Place Where Precision Extends Possibilities



Mecanizado CNC

nuestra experiencia

inyección de fundición a presión

Experiencia en diseño de moldes

Ya sea que esté familiarizado con las técnicas de fundición a presión o no, our R&D teams assist you from the very beginning - diseño de moldes. Guided & assisted by DFM & mold flow tool, Nuestros equipos te ofrecen los dibujos técnicos más especializados.. Nuestro análisis DFM se proporciona de forma gratuita.!


Operaciones secundarias

A diferencia de las fábricas normales que solo hacen el trabajo de fundición a presión por usted., Bian Diecast está totalmente equipado. - Puedes realizar tu proyecto en un solo lugar.! fundición a presión, CNC machining & finishing in one stop. Nuestro objetivo es ahorrar costes y mejorar la eficiencia en el proceso..

Acuerdo de confidencialidad & ARCHIVOS CERTIFICADOS

NDA & Certified Files

Valoramos mucho sus diseños artísticos y estamos abiertos a firmar acuerdos de confidencialidad si lo solicita. Además, Podemos proporcionar archivos certificados para autopartes., incluyendo PPAP, APQP, AMEF, MSA, y CEP, para nuestros productos de fundición a presión.


Embalaje personalizado

Nuestro servicio es detallado, hasta el embalaje. Puedes elegir el embalaje ideal: bolsas de burbujas., cajas de cartón, marcos de plastico, divisores, y más, para satisfacer las necesidades de su producto. También podemos adaptarnos rápidamente a la impresión de logotipos u otras solicitudes personalizadas en el embalaje.. Solo pregunta!

CNC machine

CNC Machining Services Overview

Mecanizado CNC, as a vital process within fundición a presión de aluminio, allows for precision machining and adjustments to aluminum castings to meet the final product’s requirements and specifications. In the aluminum die casting process, the aluminum castings obtained after aluminum alloy is injected into molds often require secondary machining and finishing to achieve the desired precise dimensions, shapes, and surface quality. This is where CNC machining comes into play.

Reliable & Versatile Die-cast Aluminum for Selection

As a CNC machining manufacturer, Bian Diecast takes pride in offering a diverse spectrum of top-tier die-cast aluminum alloys to cater to a wide range of industrial demands. Nuestra selección cuidadosamente seleccionada abarca tres categorías principales., including CNC milling service, CNC turning service and EDM machining, cada uno se distingue por su conjunto único de propiedades y aplicaciones.

CNC Milling

CNC Milling

El taller de fresado CNC está equipado con fresadoras utilizadas para fresado plano., fresado de contorno, perforación de agujeros, y otras operaciones. Se emplea comúnmente en la producción de piezas como pisos., surcos, agujeros, y hilos continuos.

CNC turning workshop

CNC Turning

El taller de torneado CNC cuenta con tornos utilizados para mecanizado rotacional, incluido el mecanizado de contornos exteriores, mecanizado de extremos, y mecanizado de roscas. Se utiliza frecuentemente para procesar componentes como ejes..


EDM Machining

Mecanizado por electroerosión por hilo, También conocido como mecanizado por descarga eléctrica con corte de alambre., es un proceso de corte electrotérmico. En comparación con los métodos de corte mecánico tradicionales, El mecanizado por electroerosión por hilo ofrece mayor precisión y calidad superficial, y puede manejar formas geométricas más complejas.

Mecanizado CNC

CNC Machining Centers

Refine Your Parts Effortlessly

Following is a brief list of our CNC machining centers, capable of precision machining die-cast parts for a portfolio of sectors. Largest machining dimension up to 1000cm. Different kinds of cnc machines we supply are as follows:

CNC Machined Aluminum Alloys Advantages

Bring Your Die-cast Parts to Life with Ease


Flexible Customizations

CNC machining offers a wide range of design flexibility, allowing customers to customize their products according to individual needs. Different geometries, sizes, and configurations can be achieved through CNC machining to meet specific customer requirements.

High Productivity & Fast Delivery

CNC machining utilizes computer control systems, enabling automated and efficient production. Customers can obtain the aluminum cnc machining parts and products they need more quickly, thereby improving production efficiency. CNC machining can complete production within a short time, providing flexibility and fast delivery. Customers can adjust order quantities as needed without significant delays in delivery.

Repeatibility & Excellent Quality Control

CNC machining achieves high consistency and repeatability in production through automated and precise control systems. This ensures that the quality and specifications of each aluminum component meet design requirements.

Excellent Surface Quality

CNC machining offers precise cutting and surface treatments, resulting in excellent surface quality. This is crucial for products that require high smoothness or special surface finishing effects.

Resuable & Sustainable

Aluminum is a recyclable material that can be reused repeatedly. CNC machining of aluminum components promotes environmental sustainability by reducing waste and resource consumption. It aligns with environmental requirements and provides long-term benefits.

Piezas de fundición a presión de aluminio personalizadas para una amplia gama de industrias

Cuando la precisión y la confiabilidad importan, Las piezas fundidas a presión personalizadas son la solución ideal en diversas industrias.. En Bian Diecast, Nos especializamos en la fabricación de componentes de carcasas de aluminio fundido a presión de alta calidad y piezas fundidas a presión personalizadas diseñadas para satisfacer las demandas únicas de diversos sectores.:
La fundición a presión se utiliza ampliamente en el sector de la automoción para crear componentes como piezas de motor y chasis., componentes de transmisión, partes del sistema electrico, y carrocería o partes interiores/exteriores. Estos componentes son conocidos por su fuerza., durabilidad, y precisión, haciéndolos cruciales para el rendimiento y la seguridad del vehículo.
En la industria de la iluminación, La fundición a presión se utiliza para producir componentes como carcasas de lámparas., disipadores de calor, y reflectores. Las piezas fundidas ofrecen una excelente conductividad térmica., Garantizar una disipación eficiente del calor en los accesorios de iluminación., lo cual es esencial para su longevidad y rendimiento..
La fundición a presión juega un papel importante en la industria electrónica mediante la fabricación de carcasas., conectores, y disipadores de calor para dispositivos electrónicos. Estos componentes requieren dimensiones precisas., alta conductividad térmica, y aislamiento electrico, haciendo de las piezas fundidas a presión una opción ideal.
Las piezas de muebles de fundición a presión se utilizan en la producción de sillas., mesas, y varios muebles. Estas piezas son apreciadas por su durabilidad., dimensiones precisas, y atractivos acabados superficiales. Contribuyen a la estética y funcionalidad de los productos de mobiliario..
En construcción, La fundición a presión proporciona hardware de construcción de alta calidad., incluyendo herrajes para puertas y ventanas, herrajes para muebles, y componentes de escaleras. Estas piezas deben cumplir estándares estrictos de dimensiones y durabilidad para garantizar que se integren perfectamente en los proyectos de construcción..

Get CNC Machining Services Today!

Bian Diecast brinda asistencia integral para su proyecto, incluido el diseño del molde, fundición a presión, Servicios de mecanizado CNC y acabado de superficies.. No dudes en ponerte en contacto con nosotros.!
máquina de fundición a presión de metales

Servicios de fundición a presión de aluminio en China

Las diferencias de Bian Diecast

Bian Diecast, an aluminum die casting company, está situado en el distrito de Nanhai, ciudad de foshán, Porcelana. Con más de una década de experiencia en fundición a presión., Estamos comprometidos a brindar servicios integrales de fundición a presión.. Además del diseño y desarrollo de moldes especializados, Tenemos una fábrica avanzada y Talleres de trabajo que integran fundición a presión, Mecanizado de precisión CNC, y servicios de acabado de superficies, Atendiendo a diversas necesidades en diversas industrias..

Actualmente, Hemos acumulado años de experiencia de servicio en el automotor, Encendiendo, electrónica, muebles, y las industrias de la construcción. Con una base sólida en gestión de proyectos, Nuestro objetivo es convertirnos en un proveedor estratégico para muchas marcas globales de renombre..

Excelencia en la gestión de proyectos en la que puede confiar

En Bian Diecast, eficiencia & La transparencia está en el centro de nuestra filosofía de gestión de proyectos.. Nuestro objetivo es capacitar a nuestros clientes para que supervisen de cerca sus pedidos y, al mismo tiempo, liberarlos de las cargas de las tareas diarias de gestión de proyectos..
monitor en tiempo real

What Is a CNC Machine Used For?

A CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machine is a versatile and highly automated tool used for various manufacturing processes across industries.

1. CNC Milling

CNC milling machines are used to remove material from a workpiece using rotary cutters. They can produce complex shapes and designs with high precision.

2. CNC Turning

CNC turning machines rotate a workpiece on a spindle while a cutting tool removes material to create cylindrical shapes or intricate details.

3. CNC Routing

CNC routers are used for cutting, shaping, and engraving materials such as wood, plastic, and metal for applications in woodworking, signage, and prototyping.

4. CNC Grinding

CNC grinding machines are used to remove material and produce precision surfaces on workpieces through abrasive grinding wheels.

5. CNC Drilling

CNC drilling machines are used to create holes in workpieces with high accuracy and speed for applications in manufacturing, construcción, and metalworking.

6. CNC Laser Cutting

CNC laser cutting machines use a high-powered laser beam to cut through materials such as metal, plastic, and wood with high precision for industrial and artistic applications.

7. CNC Plasma Cutting

CNC plasma cutting machines use a plasma torch to cut through electrically conductive materials like steel, aluminio, and copper for applications in fabrication, construcción, and metalworking.

8. CNC Waterjet Cutting

CNC waterjet cutting machines use a high-pressure jet of water mixed with abrasive materials to cut through a wide range of materials including metal, glass, and stone.
mecanizado cnc

How Does a CNC Machine Work?

A CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machine works by utilizing computerized controls to operate and manipulate cutting tools to create precise and intricate shapes on a workpiece. The basic operation of a CNC machine involves the following steps:
1. Design Input

The first step in using a CNC machine is to design a digital model or CAD (Computer-Aided Design) file of the part or component that needs to be manufactured. This file contains detailed information about the dimensions, geometries, and features of the part.

2. Programming

The CAD file is then converted into a CNC program or G-code, which is a set of instructions that guides the CNC machine on how and where to move the cutting tool across the workpiece. The CNC program contains commands for tool paths, cutting speeds, depths, and other parameters.

3. Machine Setup

The workpiece is securely clamped onto the machine’s worktable or fixture, and the cutting tool is loaded into the machine’s spindle. The operator inputs the CNC program into the machine’s control unit and sets up the cutting tool and workpiece coordinates.

4. Execution

Once the setup is complete, the CNC machine begins executing the programmed instructions. The machine’s motors and actuators move the cutting tool along the specified tool paths with high precision and accuracy based on the G-code commands.

5. Cutting Process

Depending on the type of CNC machine and cutting operation, the cutting tool removes material from the workpiece through processes such as milling, turning, perforación, routing, grinding, or laser cutting. The tool moves in multiple axes simultaneously to create the desired shape and features on the workpiece.

6. Monitoring and Inspection

Throughout the machining process, operators monitor the machine’s performance, inspect the workpiece for quality and accuracy, and make adjustments as needed to ensure the desired results.

7. Finishing and Unloading

Once the machining is completed, the workpiece may undergo additional finishing processes such as deburring, tratamiento de superficies, or inspection. The finished part is then removed from the machine for further processing, asamblea, or use.

Advantages of CNC Machine Over Conventional Machine

Bian Diecast’s precision CNC machining services offer high-quality, accurate, and efficient manufacturing solutions for a wide range of industries.
CNC laser cutting


CNC machines offer superior precision and accuracy compared to conventional machines. They can produce complex shapes, intricate designs, and tight tolerances with consistency and reliability.

cnc milling-machine


High precision CNC machines are fully automated and controlled by computer programs, reducing the need for manual intervention and minimizing the risk of human error. This results in higher efficiency and productivity.

cnc drilling


CNC machines are highly versatile and can easily switch between different production tasks and processes by simply changing the CNC program. This flexibility allows for rapid prototyping, customization, and production of diverse parts.

cnc milling machine


CNC machines operate at high speeds and can perform complex machining operations in a fraction of the time taken by conventional machines. This leads to faster production cycles and reduced lead times.



Aluminum CNC machining can repeat the same machining processes with precision and consistency, ensuring uniform quality across multiple workpieces. This capability is especially useful for mass production and batch manufacturing.


Control de calidad

CNC machines offer advanced monitoring and control capabilities to ensure the quality of machined parts. Real-time feedback and in-process inspection help detect and correct deviations, resulting in high-quality products.

FAQs on High Precision CNC Machine

What is CNC machining, and how does it complement the die-casting process?

CNC machining stands for Computer Numerical Control machining. It’s a highly precise manufacturing process that complements die casting by allowing for fine-tuning, shaping, and post-casting modifications of die-cast parts. CNC machining ensures parts meet tight tolerances and specified dimensions, enhancing their overall quality and functionality.

Can CNC machining be used for both aluminum and zinc die-cast parts?

Sí, CNC machining is versatile and applicable to both aluminum and zinc die-cast parts. It offers the flexibility to fine-tune and modify parts made from various materials, ensuring they meet specific project requirements.

Can CNC machining help in achieving tight tolerances for critical die-cast parts?

Absolutely, CNC machining is the go-to solution for achieving tight tolerances in critical die-cast parts. Its computer-controlled precision ensures parts conform to exact dimensional requirements, even for demanding applications in industries like aerospace and automotive. CNC machining enhances the quality, fiabilidad, and performance of these precision components.

What types of CNC machining operations are available for die-cast parts?

CNC machining encompasses various operations, including milling, turning, perforación, and surface finishing. These operations can be tailored to meet specific design and functional requirements for die-cast parts.

How does CNC machining contribute to reduced lead times in die-cast part production?

CNC machining significantly contributes to shorter lead times by offering rapid setup, efficient tool changes, and high-speed cutting capabilities. This agility allows for quick adjustments in production schedules and accommodating urgent orders, making CNC machining a key factor in meeting tight project timelines.

Are there any material restrictions when it comes to CNC machining for die-cast parts?

CNC machining is versatile and compatible with a wide range of materials commonly used in die-casting, including aluminum, zinc, magnesio, y más. Material selection depends on your project’s specific requirements, and CNC machining can accommodate various materials with ease.

Can CNC machining be applied to produce prototypes of die-cast parts?

Sí, CNC machining is an excellent choice for producing prototypes of die-cast parts. Its ability to quickly and accurately machine parts makes it ideal for testing and validating designs before committing to mass production. This reduces the time and costs associated with creating physical prototypes.

What design considerations should be taken into account when planning CNC machining for die-cast parts?

Design factors such as material selection, tolerances, complejidad de la pieza, and the desired surface finish should be considered when planning CNC machining for die-cast parts. Collaboration with experienced engineers can help optimize designs for efficient CNC machining.

How do you ensure consistency in CNC machining quality for die-cast parts?

We maintain quality consistency through rigorous process control, employee training, and adherence to industry standards. Our advanced measurement equipment verifies dimensions and shapes, ensuring each machined die-cast part meets specified requirements.
